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Understanding Anxiety

Someone dealing with anxiety will experience intense worry about various things in life. They might experience physical symptoms of increased heart rate, sweating, and or restlessness. In severe cases a person might suffer from panic attacks. Many patients feel like they are unable to relax and are in constant state of fight or flight mode.

Understanding PTSD

People who have suffered a traumatic episode may develop symptoms of PTSD which includes
nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, hypervigilence, avoidance of situation that reminds them of traumatic
event, emotional disturbance and or suicidal ideations

Comparing PTSD and Anxiety Disorder

Both diagnoses share common symptoms but each condition has some key traits. Knowing the
difference is important to get right kind of treatment. Proper diagnosis allows for a individual care plan
and appropriate medication management.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms, Evolve psychiatric Services is ready to support and help
you. For more information call us at 407-554-5804
or Click here to schedule an appointment

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